Exploring grassroots level realities, through intensive teamwork approach, need assessment studies, baseline surveys, and research
In its approach to grassroots development, IIRD founds itself on the following principles:
To reach the most backward sections of the society for improvement of their living by fulfilling their basic needs of Health, Safe Drinking Water, Sanitation, Elementary and Vocational Education.
To co-ordinate the efforts of different government, non-government and other agencies in socio-economic sector for the overall development of the community.
Enlisting the support of State, National and International Agencies. Networking and collaborating for achieving the objectives with the agencies having the similar objectives.
Increasing participation of stakeholders and community through participatory ownership
The participatory process followed at IIRD, that forges innovative and increasingly complex and wide-ranging formal and informal linkages at the grassroots level, has built trust leading to collective action. This enhances its ability to both empower people and contribute to various alternatives for development.
IIRD actively advocates that the fullest recognition should be given to the enormous contribution that women make to the family, society and development. Our commitment to integrating gender perspectives is reflected in our work plans and budgeting as well as in technical cooperation activities, in the fact that we hold separate meetings with women to build a rapport with them at individual levels. Our efforts have yielded a multitude of economic and social benefits for households and communities emerged, including greater agricultural yield, improved sanitation, improved health and nutrition, and expanded primary school enrollment, especially for girls.
Presence of our field staff and offices ensures regular interaction with the communities. We have increased our “social capital” by providing people with opportunities to build trust in each other and the capacity to work together toward common goals. A constant iteration has been in the form of motivation and awareness camps in areas as diverse as health, sanitation and entrepreneurship. And, our professionals, guided by market and industry experts, make sure that we provide high quality services. Updated communication facilities in our field offices enable us to deliver to the very core.
Strengthening linkages and building partnership between private and public sectors is a viable way of promoting local governance. Exploring and making use of synergic effects of cooperation has proven a good strategy in the field of cluster development and is an applicable approach also for other types of project. IIRD has facilitated close cooperation among beneficiaries as well as between beneficiaries and relevant institutions, by acting as a bridge, providing technical assistance and by creating a common arena to share knowledge and build trust.
The organization believes in providing a concrete platform to work towards an integrated development model. It explores grassroots level realities, through intensive teamwork approach, need assessment studies, baseline surveys, and research. The in-depth insight thus gained helps us to verify and recognize the problems, and function as motivator and facilitator in creating an enabling environment. The organization tries to diagnose the root cause of the problems amidst different sections of the society for effective planning and future course of action.
Conducting surveys for assessment of socio-economic needs and mapping the existing conditions.
For better environmental & sanitation condition, quality education and development.
For skill development in reproductive health care including family planning & aids, sanitation, agriculture, animal husbandry, literacy and entrepreneur-ship.
Courses for stakeholders in basic need areas Monitoring and Evaluation: The programmes being run by the State, Central Government and the other agencies in the socio-economic sectors.
On the issues related to the life of common person.
Preparation of Training Modules and Teaching Learning Material, Reports, Books, Booklets etc.